William Floyd School District | Official website
William Floyd School District | Official website
The William Floyd School District Fine Arts Department held its annual Districtwide Art Show at the south lobby of William Floyd High School. The event, which marks the beginning of March and Youth Art & Music Month, showcased artwork from students across all grades. Families and community members were invited to explore the gallery and celebrate the student-artists' work.
Members of the National Art Honor Society organized the event, offering refreshments and activities such as crafts and face painting for younger children.
“The ‘Districtwide Art Show’ has become a beloved evening for the Art Department, students and families,” stated Theresa Bianco, chairperson of Fine Arts at William Floyd School District. “We wanted to give our students an opportunity to share their artwork and be able to discuss with the community what they created, and that is something to be very proud of.”
Mrs. Bianco also highlighted the talent and thought-provoking nature of the student-artists, emphasizing the educational benefits. “They gain an understanding of how the art skills they learn in elementary [and middle] school carries into their high school career,” she added.