
Suffolk Reporter

Friday, March 28, 2025

Suffolk County: 441 fewer active licenses to practice law in July than previous month

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There were 441 fewer active legal licenses in Suffolk County in July compared to the previous month, according to the NYS Attorney Registrations.

There were 593 active legal licenses in Suffolk County in July, compared to 1,034 the month before.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.

New York State has the most lawyers of any US state, yet it is also home to legal deserts. Orleans County, with a population of 40,000 residents, has less than one lawyer per every 1,000 residents.

Nearly 75 percent of rural New York State attorneys are 45-years-old or older, which was one of the most concerning findings from a report on rural law practice. The report predicted that most rural lawyers in New York State will retire within 30 years and not be replaced by younger attorneys.

The average salary for an attorney working in New York State is $109,218 per year.

Lawyers in Suffolk County with active legal licenses in July
Lawyer NameName of FirmYear of License Granted
Jeffrey Allen RussJeffrey A. Russ, PLLC1970
Barton Paul Levine1973
Harold Lee KestenbaumHarold L. Kestenbaum, P.C.1976
George Lawrence RoachGrabie & Grabie, LLP1977
John George PoliJohn G. Poli III, P.C.1978
Patrick John MorganelliDevitt Spellman Barrett, LLP1979
Caryn Ann ChambersCaryn a Chambers ESQ1980
Janna Pearl ViscontiGrabie & Grabie, LLP1980
Beverly Smith1981
Glen Thomas PewarskiBartlett, LLP1981
Mark C. ApoznanskiSette and Apoznanski1981
Robert J. FeldmanRobert Feldman1981
Christopher S. OlsonChristopher S. Olson1982
Diana Sonja SeuringerDiana Seuringer Attorney at Law1982
Kevin George McClancyLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County1982
Paul J. BaisleyPaul J. Baisley JR1982
Alan G. WeinbergCampolo, Middleton & Mccormick, LLP1983
Allan Barry MendelsohnAllan B. Mendelsohn, LLP1983
Bonnie S. KlapperBSK ESQ, P.C.1983
Bonnie S. KlapperBSK ESQ, P.C.1983
Carl M. LawrenceCarl M. Lawrence, ESQ.1983
Charles J. AdamsPatrick F. Adams, P. C.1983
Daniel Steven KomanskyDaniel S. Komansky1983
David E. EaganDavid E. Eagan & Associates, PLLC1983
Deborah Marsha MamberDeborah Mamber1983
Deborah S. KleinerDeborah S. Kleiner1983
Donald Bryan SmithDonald B. Smith, PLLC1983
Elizabeth Hazlitt EmersonSupreme Court State of New York1983
Ellen Mary Farrell1983
Erin M. BeneschErin M. Benesch1983
Joan Mongada AlbrightHuntington Center for Performing ARTS1983
Joel Lee LullaJoel Lulla, LLC1983
Johanna Elena CalecaCaleca & Towner, P.C.1983
John Evan HansenJohn Hansen1983
Lawrence Howard FineLawrence H. Fine, ESQ.1983
Michael B. GluckMichael B. Gluck ESQ1983
Philip M. RomanLand Bound Services, LLC1983
Ricardo MontanoRicardo Montano ESQ of Counsel Calisto Law Firm, P.C.1983
Richard Patrick Byrne1983
Robert J. BrowneRobert J. Browne ESQ1983
Steven Arthur SteigerwaldLaw Office of Eric Feldman1983
Terry Randall WoodardTerry R. Woodard, Attorney1983
Thomas E. PlastarasThomas E. Plastaras, ESQ.1983
Todd E. WeismanFrenkel Lambert Weiss Weisman & Gordon, LLP1983
Vincent LipariUS Attorney's Office1983
Vincent J. Pizzulli1983
Wayne Thomas MarksMarks & Marks, ESQ.1983
Anne Y. ShieldsUnited States Federal Courthouse1985
Arlene L. BoasArlene L. Boas ESQ1985
Christopher M. RedmondChristopher M. Redmond ESQ1985
Daniel Ward WhiteTravelers Management Liability Group Bond & Specialty Insurance1985
David PallaiDevitt, Spellman & Barrett, LLP1985
Gerard J. GlassGerard Glass and Associates, P.C.1985
Gigi Ann Spelman1985
Jane Robbins Svoboda1985
Jeffrey W. PaganoTwomey, Latham, Shea, Kelley, Dubin & Quartararo, LLP1985
Jeffrey W. PaganoTwomey, Latham, Shea, Kelley, Dubin & Quartararo, LLP1985
Jerold Paul Dornbush1985
John N. Joseph CiampoliMessina Perillo & Hill, LLP1985
Joseph ImbascianiJoseph Imbasciani ESQ1985
Louisa P. EvansLouisa P. Evans1985
Michael FuchsState of NY Grievance Committe for the Tenth Judicial District1985
Michael A. Demicco1985
Michael G. LeavyLeavy & Coogan-Leavy, PLLC1985
Michael Patrick GormanCanon U. Inc., S.A.1985
Michael Thomas Clancy1985
Mitchell Jan BirzonBirzon and Associates1985
Pamela R. GoshmanPamela Renner Goshman ESQ1985
Paul MolanoLaw Office Eric D. Feldman1985
Peter Steven CohenEvo Payments International1985
Richard Frank ArturaPhillips, Artura & Cox1985
Russ MarnellMarnell Law Group, P.C.1985
Steven A. LevyCampolo, Middleton & Mccormick, LLP1985
William M. DratelThe Dratel Group, Inc.1985
Debra Urbano-DisalvoDebra Urbano-Disalvo, ESQ.1986
Barbara A. BreenBarbara A. Breen1987
Barrie E. BazarskyFutterman, Lanza & Pasculli, LLP1987
Brian P. NearyBrian P. Neary, P.C.1987
David B. KosakoffKosakoff & Cataldo, LLP1987
David Joseph SobelDavid J. Sobel, P.C.1987
Donna EnglandEngland & England, PC1987
Donna Lynn Simendinger1987
Glenn D. GreenSuffolk County District Attorney's Office, Criminal Courts Building1987
Ira Stephen RosenbergIra S. Rosenberg, ESQ.1987
John Anthony PositanoJohn a Positano ESQ1987
John Joseph BreenJohn J. Breen1987
John Julius VizziJohn J. Vizzi, P.C.1987
Karla L. LatoSuffolk County District Attorney1987
Laura McKenna Jaklitsch1987
Lawrence Eric DavidowDavidow, Davidow, Siegel & Stern, LLP1987
Michael J. ButlerMichael J. Butler1987
Michael Jude JannuzziLaw Office of Michael Jude Jannuzzi1987
Michael Lawrence PfeiferPfeifer Law, PLLC1987
Michele Amy PincusH2M Architects + Engineers1987
Mitchell David ReiverMitchell Reiver, Attorney at Law1987
Patricia J. MarshMarsh & Gaffner, P.C.1987
Rachel Gail KerdmanRachel Kerdman, ESQ1987
Richard J. DavolioThe Law Offices of Richard J. Davolio, P.C.1987
Richard P. KirbyKirby Law, P.C.1987
Robert Briglio1987
Robert H. WilliamsRobert Harold Williams ESQ1987
Scott B. AugustineScott Augustine ESQ1987
Steven D. JannaceSimmons Jannace DeLuca, LLP1987
Thomas K. CampagnaCampagna Johnson Mady, PC1987
Timothy Frank MazzaraMazzara & Small, P.C.1987
Tracy Ann HaasSuny Stonybrook1987
Vivian GarrasteguiSchneider Garrastegui & Fedele, PLLC1987
Kevin J. FitzgeraldKevin J. Fitzgerald, P.C.1988
Andrew A. CreccaHon. Andrew A. Crecca1989
Brad Alan Leventhal1989
Brian Clark Mitchell1989
Brian K. KearnsBrian Kearns1989
Carmine Emanuel EspositoLaw Office of Carmine E. Esposito1989
Rosenbaum D.J.Nassau Suffolk Law Services1989
Daniel E. Tierney1989
Daniel John TambascoGentile & Tambasco1989
David Michael JohnsonJohn N. Fath, P.C.1989
Denise Ann BurkeBurke & Sullivan, ESQS.1989
Edward G. McCabeEdward G. Mccabe, ESQ1989
Frank John BlangiardoFrank J. Blangiardo Attorney at Law1989
George Charles VlachosGeorge C. Vlachos & Associates, PLLC1989
Gregg Adam WillingerWillinger Talent Agency, Inc.1989
James Robert Grisi1989
John Henry Hall1989
Kathryn Jean RussoJackson Lewis, P.C.1989
Kathy Gail BergmannSuffolk County Supreme Court1989
Lauran Alyse MarkowitzZlotolow & Associates, P.C1989
Mark RosenbloomMark Rosenbloom1989
Martin Arthur SchwartzbergMarshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin1989
Maureen Doran SweeneyDeSena & Sweeney, LLP1989
Michelle Beth ParisienParisien Law, PLLC1989
Patrick J. RussellHalsey Common1989
Patrick Thomas McCarthyForeclosure Department Supreme Court1989
Paul Joseph HootenPaul J. Hooten ESQ1989
Paul Roman DecarloDE Carlo & Acocella, P.C.1989
Paula WetsteinPaula Wetstein, Esq.1989
Richard Alan HarrisLaw Offices of Eric D. Feldman1989
Robert Anthony LorenzoRobert a Lorenzo ESQ1989
Roy Lukins Rowsell1989
Seymour Erwin LiebmanCanon U. S. a, Inc.1989
Stephen A. Ruland1989
Vanessa Rae SeidmanVanessa R. Seidman ESQ, PLLC1989
Adam Charles GomermanLaw Offices of Adam C. Gomerman1991
Amelia Coletti Demma1991
Antonio A. SalvaAntonio Salva ESQ1991
Cameron Alden1991
Caren Cronin ManzelloSuffolk County District Attorney1991
Charles WallsheinCharles Wallshein Esq., PLLC1991
Daniel Thomas MonganD. T. Mongan1991
David B. BitmanDavid B. Bitman, ESQ., PC1991
David Henry ArntsenVolz & Vigliotta, PLLC1991
David N. AltmanBrown Altman & Dileo, LLP1991
Dean Todd RosenzweigDean Rosenzweig Attorney at Law1991
Deborah A. GuberDeborah A. Guber, ESQ.1991
Dongsung LimDongsung Lim, Attorneys at Law1991
Douglas Raymond Defeo1991
Elizabeth Lonergan-KurjanskiElizabeth Lonergan-Kurjanski, Attorney at Law1991
Elsie AcevedoElsie Acevedo ESQ1991
Frank J. MarottaFrank J. Marotta & Associates1991
James W. CarplukJames W. Carpluk, ESQ.1991
Jorn Axel HollJorn A. Holl, ESQ.1991
Karen Marie CaggianoLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.1991
Larry A. BibloBiblo & Freier, LLP1991
Livia Cooper1991
Margaret Ann O'Leary1991
Mark Alan RudnerSiben and Siben1991
Mark Ewald NadjarMark E. Nadjar, P.C.1991
Martin Joseph Schwartz1991
Nanci HirschNanci Hirsch, ESQ.1991
Natasja Viveca BellingerNatasja V. Bellinger Attorney at Law1991
Patricia HowlettPatricia Howlett Attorney at Law1991
Paul Anthony LautoPaul A. Lauto, PLLC1991
Richard PellegrinoRichard Pellegrino II, ESQ.1991
Richard H. RemmerRichard H. Remmer1991
Robert Gerard VizzaBartlett, LLP1991
Robert Petry MichalCarter Deluca & Farrell, LLP1991
Rodney DrakeRodney Drake1991
Stan Yuon YangU. S. Department of Justic-US Trustee1991
Steven Lewis AlterSlater Slater Schulman, LLP1991
Tanya DemaioBrody, O'Connor & O'Connor1991
Lech ChrzanowskiLech Chrzanowski, Attorney at Law1992
Peter DenninSette and Apoznanski1992
Andrew L. CrabtreeLaw Offices of Andrew L. Crabtree, P.C.1993
April Pancella HauptApril Pancella Haupt, ESQ.1993
Caren Lynn LoguercioSuffolk County Family Court1993
Edward Francis WhiteE. F. White and Associates, PLLC1993
Elio D. ZanoniElio D. Zanoni Attorney at Law1993
Elizabeth A. PfisterLegal Aid Society of Suffolk CTY, Childrens Law Bureau, Inc.1993
Frank John RomanoF. J. Romano & Associates, PC1993
Frank Joseph Malagreca1993
Howard George Meyers1993
Jeffrey Robert D'AmicoThe Damico Law Group, P.C.1993
Jodi Ann DonatoDonato Law, Ltd.1993
John Francis VodopiaLaw Office of John F. Vodopia, ESQ.1993
Joseph ScaliaLaw Office of Joseph Scalia1993
Joseph Michael NadorPatrick F. Adams, P.C.1993
Katherine Vasilopoulos1993
Laure Collins NolanLaure C. Nolan Attorney at Law1993
Lawrence Alan SchindelheimNys Court of Claims1993
Lee HeitLee Heit, Attorney at Law, PC1993
Maria C. AnnunziataMaria C. Annunziata, ESQ.1993
Mary-Faith WesterveltWestervelt & Rea, LLP1993
Randi Alice KarpRandi A. Karp, ESQ.1993
Robert I. GoldmanRobert Goldman, Attorney at Law1993
Susan Alicia BlumSusan A. Blum ESQ.1993
Susan Ann Cioci1993
Barry Robert Gainsburg1994
Bruce Charles WechslerLakeville Industries1994
Catherine A. SheridanNew York State Grievance Committee1994
Michael G. HughesSuffolk County Legal Aid Familycourt1994
Michael James SommiReal Estate Legal Solutions, P.C.1994
Stuart Michael KurlandSette & Apoznanski, ESQS1994
Aimee Danielle DrexlerLewis Johs Avellone Aviles, LLP1995
Anastasia S. LambadisAnastasia S. Lambadis, Esq.1995
Ann Marie Modica-SchafferGrievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District1995
Anthony MarinoFumuso, Kelly, Swart, Farell, Polin & Christessen, LLP1995
Anthony Francis GiulianoGiuliano Law, P.C.1995
Arthur Thompson WadeDeSena & Sweeney, LLP1995
Bernard Che Ho Cheng1995
Bryan L. SalamoneBryan L. Salamone, P.C.1995
Christine Jan VincentVincent Editorial Consulting, LLC1995
Christopher Paul McGuireMcguire, Pelaez & Bennett, P.C.1995
Craig Edward McElweeSuffolk County District Attorney1995
David Craig Grossman1995
Debra WelshPetroske Riezenman & Meyers1995
Eric O'Brien KelleyThe Kelley Firm, PLLC1995
Francis P. KehoeSullivan & Kehoe, LLP1995
Gina Marie Lopez SummaNew York State Court of Claims1995
James Andrew McDonaughSuffolk County District Court1995
Joanne GiorgioODAR1995
John Ciro MilazzoSuffolk County Water Authority1995
John William DehaanThe Dehaan Law Firm, P.C.1995
Kelly Ann ReapeCromarty Court Complex1995
Kevin William O'LearySiegel & O'Leary, LLP1995
Marian Haru RussoPatchogue Community Development Agency1995
Melissa Beth GreenbergerLong Island Community Foundation1995
Melissa Jane WillmottNew York State Family Court-Suffolk County1995
Michael Patrick KellyMDWCG1995
Michael Patrick SculleyLaw Office of Michael P. Sculley1995
Mitchell S. DruckerLaw Office of Mitchell S. Drucker1995
Renee GiorginiRenee L. Giorgini, P.C.1995
Stuyvesant WainwrightThe Law Offices of Stuyvesant Wainwright IV, P.C.1995
Susan DandolaSusan a Kassel, P.C.1995
Todd Christopher MillerMiller & Caggiano, LLP1995
Doreen E. CasaleLaw Office of Sette & Apoznanski1996
Emily KayeOffice of Hearings Operations1996
Kathryn Mary FitzgeraldLaw Office of Sette and Apoznanski1996
Steve M. DeverteuilGannon Rosenfarb & Drossman1996
Chancellor A.G.Law Office of Lori D. Fishman1997
Alan Michael SchlisselLaw Office of Raymond Baierlein1997
Albert Eugene NoratoLaw Office of Albert E. Norato Jr.1997
Amy Beth SiegelAmy B. Siegel ESQ1997
Andrew James GentileGentile & Tambasco1997
Brian FrankelLaw Office of Dennis C. Bartling1997
Britt Silver HalvorsenBritt Silver Halvorsen, ESQ.1997
Carole Lynn ReadBennett & Read1997
Cathleen Theresa BenedettoLaw Office of Richard Cohen, PC1997
Clifford Albert UlrichCarter DeLuca & Farrrell, LLP1997
Craig Michael DolingerZaklukiewicz, Puzo & Morrissey, LLP1997
Dennis Michael CohenH. Lee Dennison Building1997
Diane Marie PfadenhauerSt. Joseph's College1997
Doreen J. ShindelDoreen J. Shindel & Associates, P.C.1997
Dorothy CavalierOffice of Legislator Sarah S. Anker- LD 61997
Frank Anthony Iacono1997
Janine Michele ButlerFedEx Services1997
Jeffrey Scott EttengerSchwartz Ettenger, PLLC1997
John SamannaJohn Samanna, ESQ.1997
Joseph Martin GuzzardoBartlett, LLP1997
Kelly Lynn NagoskyFumuso, Kelly, Swart, Farrell, Polin & Christensen1997
Kenneth George CoyKenneth Coy, ESQ1997
Kevin Michael SullivanKevin M. Sullivan1997
Lisa D. TymannEsseks, Hefter & Angel, LLP1997
Luis Antonio PaganLaw Office of Luis A. Pagan1997
Lynn M. RyanU. S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of N. Y.1997
Lynn Nancy RyanLynn N. Ryan, PLLC1997
Massimo Angelo SantoliMassimo A. Santoli, PLLC1997
Matthew George HughesHon. Matthew G. Hughes1997
Michael A. FinamoreGemini Pharmaceutials, Inc.1997
Richard Thomas Walsh1997
Rona Ilene KuglerNYS Grievance Committee for the 10th Judicial District1997
Susan Marie PascaleB&G Industries, Ltd.1997
Daniel Walter NierodaDaniel W. Nierode, ESQ.1998
Francisco Jose HernandezLaw Offices of Francisco J. Hernandez1998
Michael Spiro TheodorouLaw Office of Sette and Apoznanski1998
Michele PiloMichele T. Pilo Law Firm1998
Peter YoergPeter Yoerg1998
Anthony Howard PalumboThe Law Firm of Palumbo & Associates, P.C.1999
Barbara Jane HutterSomer & Heller1999
Darlene M. RoschNassau/Suffolk Law Services1999
David Worthington OlsenOlsen & Olsen, LLP1999
Donna Marie SommaBabylon Town Attorney's Office1999
Erika Leigh Jenkins1999
Gene Dennis BarrThe Law Firm of Barr & Barr, PLLC1999
Heather Anne WrightHeather A. Wright, ESQ. Attorney at Law1999
John Charles ZaherThe Public Relations and Marketing Group, LLC1999
Joseph MarinoThe Law Office of Joseph Marino, PC1999
Karyn Anne VillarKaryn A. Villar, PLLC1999
Kathleen Becker LanglanSuffolk County District Attorney's Office1999
Michael Frank MoranoRyan, Mason & Lewis, LLP1999
Michael Lawrence Zaiff1999
Ned Hunter KassmanNed Kassman ESQ.1999
Pamela J. Greene1999
Patricia Ann KilligrewU. S. District Court-Edny1999
Richard B. SullivanLaw Office of Michael Ferro & Associates1999
Rosa M. RomeoSuffolk CTY District Atty's Office1999
Rose Angela KalachmanRose Angela Kalachman, ESQ1999
Sharmila G. NarainAibara Reed Law Group, LLC1999
Shelly A. LeonardBlau Leonard Law Group, LLC1999
Susan PaikTutunjian & Bitetto, P.C.1999
Susan A. DenataleSusan A. Denatale1999
Teresa Ann CotesTeresa a Cotes, ESQ.1999
Joseph Charles SetteSette and Apoznanski2000
Alison Margaret Berdnik2001
Andy D. Jean-PierreLaw Office of Goldstein, Flecker & Hopkins2001
Christopher Michael ValentinoJackson Lewis, P.C.2001
Danielle Lee SicariMichael B. Schulman & Associates, P.C.2001
David Christopher ZegarelliBartlett, LLP2001
Dawn C. Faillace-DillonO'Connor, O'Connor, Hintz & Deveney, LLP2001
Dawn M. FasanoRothco2001
Diane L. BucciHurwitz & Fine, PC2001
Erik Lloyd HerzSterling Floor Designs, Ltd.2001
Felicia R. TuckerKPMG, LLP2001
Francine Falcier Antell2001
Gabriele A. BurnerThe Law Office of Gabriele A. Burner, PLLC2001
Gil McLeanOffice of Disability Adjudication and Review2001
Glenn Edward AulettaGruenberg & Kelly, P.C.2001
Jessica Lynn KronradThe Odierno Law Firm, P.C.2001
John Cavin FloresLaw Office of Sette and Apoznanski2001
John Joseph DunnThe Law Office of John J. Dunn, P.C.2001
Joseph L. JurgensFerrari and Wallace, LLP2001
Katherine MirandaGentile & Tambasco2001
Keith Jason StevensL'Abbate, Balkan, Colavita & Contini, L.L.P.2001
Kelly Michelle EibsSmith Eibs, LLC2001
Kerry F. RothemichKerry F. Rothemich Attorney at Law2001
Lori Ann FerraroLaw Office of Sette & Apoznanski2001
Mark Dennis McRedmondSouthampton Town Attorney's Office2001
Randy Shawn GidsegLittler Mendelson, P.C.2001
Salvatore Joseph LupoSalvatore J. Lupo Attorney at Law2001
Stacey Eve GornyLewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP2001
Yanitza Nannette BrignoniYanitza N. Brignoni, PC2001
Allison Lynn LuskoffWestcor Land Title Insurance Company2002
Frank Thomas GarganoFrank Gargano, ESQ.2002
John Joseph CaraccioloJohn J. Caraccioo, Esq.2002
Michele FilosaNys Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District2002
Anthony M. MaffiaFumuso, Kelly, Swart, Farrell, Polin & Christesen, LLP2003
Becky TungHaugland Group, LLC2003
Betsy K. DowdBKDowd Law, P.C.2003
Brandy Alexis SmithLaw Office of Sette and Apoznanski2003
Danielle Marie Papa2003
Dennis Christopher BartlingLaw Office of Dennis C. Bartling2003
Elisa Paula Gerontianos2003
Eric KreuterMoriches Boat & Motor2003
Holly Christine MeyerLaw Office of Maggio & Meyer, PLLC2003
Irene Attanasio MunnoIrene A. Munno2003
James Michael GriffinJames Michael Griffin Attorney at Law2003
Jessica Christine ZucconiLaw Office of Jessica Tirino2003
Joseph C. VozzaJoseph C. Vozza Attorney at Law, P.C.2003
Judith DonnenfeldMarshall M. Stern, P.C.2003
Kimberly A. Von ArxLaw Office of Keith J. Conway2003
Laura Elizabeth Comer2003
Laurie M. Gapinski-Gould2003
Lisa Ann IuloSaunders & Associates2003
Marco LaroccaLaw Office of Marco Larocca2003
Michael Joseph O'ConnorMichael J. O'Connor Attorney at Law2003
Michael P. GiampilisLaw Offices of Michael P. Giampilis, P.C.2003
Noemi Perez HicksNoemi Perez Hicks, ESQ.2003
Peter Arcadio RomeroLaw Office of Peter a Romero, PLLC2003
Ronald Theodore AlberAlber Law Group, LLP2003
Rosemarie BrunoLaw Office of Rosemarie Bruno, PLLC2003
Scott Peter SorelSorel Giannelli, LLP2003
Susan SchenckThe Odierno Law Firm2003
Yelena SimonyukComtech Telecommunications, CORP2003
Robert Holden GiannelliSorel Giannelli, LLP2004
Suzanne McCafferyFollick and Bessich2004
Aileen R. KavanaghKaiteris & Kavanagh, PLLC2005
Alia F. RichardsAlia F. Richards2005
Alison A. Diamondstein2005
Ann K. Koski-Troxler2005
Barbara Jean Nepf2005
Benjamin Robert RajotteRajotte Law Group2005
Brooke Ann LupinacciAssistant Town Attorney2005
Cheryl Lynn FratelloFratello Law, P.C2005
Daniel Joseph Panico2005
Daniel P. BarkerSmith Finkelstein, Lundberg, Isler and Yakaboski, LLP2005
David A. KochmanHenry Schein, Inc.2005
David Aaron NidaStony Brook University2005
Elizabeth Jodi Grosso2005
James Paul ScullyKirschenbaum & Phillips, P.C.2005
Jeffrey D. HerbstBryan L. Salamone, P.C.2005
Kenneth D. SilvermanLaw Office of Kenneth D. Silverman2005
Lani Elaine HoustonLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County2005
Melissa Ann PirilloFass & D'Agostino, P.C.2005
Michelle AulivolaLong Tuminello, LLP2005
Monica P. Constain2005
Nicholas John Albanese2005
Panagiotis GouvitsasLaw Office of Dennis C. Bartling, Employees of Geico2005
Ralph Joseph EspositoRalph Esposito, ESQ.2005
Robert GitelmanNapoli Shkolnik, PLLC2005
Seth Harlan SchwartzSeth H. Schwartz, ESQ., PC2005
Shana L. CurtiOrsetti & Curti, PLLC2005
Robert Eugene HornbergerHornberger Verbitsky, P.C.2006
Robert Michael ConnellyTarbet & Lester, PLLC2006
Adam G. WoodWood and Associates, PC2007
Aimeemarie Loinig2007
Alexander Brett GilbertCounty Court of Suffolk County2007
Alfred John CroceSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2007
Amanda Roberts ReillyBlumberg, Cherkoss, Fitz Gibbons & Blumberg2007
Angelique H. Pabon-Cruz2007
Barry Jason UngarAlmanzar-Paramio Law, LLC2007
Christopher Michael GioePiana & Gioe, LLC2007
David Howard BartonBarton Law Group, P.C.2007
Frank Walter FountainRothbell & Fountain Attorneys2007
Frederick N. Vogeney2007
Gea SommaCarame Press Kidds2007
Helena PesaPesa Law Group, P.C.2007
Jansen Paul Anderman-HahnTBC Consoles2007
John Michael Rovere2007
Justin SmiloffSuffolk County Traffic and Parking Violations Agency2007
Lauren Elizabeth StilesDysautonomia International2007
Leonard Joseph BadiaNYS Office of Court Administration2007
Margie C. GoodsellBrookhaven National Laboratory2007
Mary Frances SkiberSuffolk County District Attorney2007
Matthew Kevin MadyCampagna Johnson Mady, PC2007
Rodger Daniel CitronTouro Law Center2007
Todd AldermanTravelers2007
Jennifer Ann SacksSuffolk County District Attorney2008
Michael Seth RossThe Law Offices of Michael S. Ross, P.C.2008
Alexandra Michelle HintzLaw Office of Ricky J. Lucyk2009
Alison Leigh EpiloneQuatela Chimeri, PLLC2009
Charles William BorghardtBorghardt Law2009
Craig Andrew RihaCarmel, Milazzo, and Feil, LLP2009
Dana Rose GremauxSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2009
Filomena CarfagnoM&T Bank2009
Guy William GermanoGermano & Cahill, P.C.2009
Jesse Lee SiegelHurwitz Fine, P.C.2009
Joshua Samuel ShteiermanVolz & Vigliotta, PLLC2009
Kaitlin M. RoganLaw Office of Goldstein, Flecker & Hopkins2009
Kelly Elizabeth Armstrong2009
Kevin Anders McGowinEsseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP2009
Kimberly GonzalezCanon U., Inc., S.A.2009
Lisa R. DvoskinLamb & Barnosky, LLP2009
Margaret CarloMargaret Carlo, P.C.2009
Mark Andrew SternbergMark A. Sternberg, Attorney at Law, PLLC2009
Michelle A. MahabirsinghLamb & Barnosky2009
Richard E. StiekLaw Office of Dennis C. Bartling, ESQ.2009
Richard E. StiekLaw Office of Dennis C. Bartling, ESQ.2009
Robert Joseph KroczynskiTutunjian & Bitetto, P.C.2009
Roman J. ShakhRoman J. Shakh, ESQ.2009
Rudolph Max Baptiste2009
Sal James CataldoO'Doherty & Cataldo2009
Shannon Cody McKinleyMcKinley Law, PC2009
Shaun Kevin McCreadySuffolk County District Attorney2009
Thomasine Erige ErikeThomasine E. Erike Esq.2009
Tracy Kathryn BensonPricewaterhouse Coopers, LLP2009
Vesselin Venelinov MitevMitev Law Firm, PC2009
Barry Evan HaimoHaimo Law2010
Olivier Emmanuel RocheRoche Law Group, P.C.2010
Olivier Emmanuel RocheRoche Law Group, P.C.2010
Rose Lee DiasNys Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District2010
Amarilda B. FligsteinLaw Office of Amarilda B. Fligstein, ESQ.2011
Amy Catherine RauppRaupp Law, P.C.2011
Andrew Martin MeaneyMeaney & Meaney, PC2011
Ashleigh GoughJohn P. Garvey, P.C.2011
Brian Anthony PicarelloPicarello & Saciolo, P.C.2011
Brooke Janssen BreenBrooke J. Breen, ESQ.2011
Carlos Rene ClavelThe Law Offices of Siben & Siben, LLP2011
Christina Marie Takemoto KempnerWhale Rock Realty2011
Clay Dalton ShorrockApplied DNA Sciences, Inc.2011
David Howard GreenCampolo, Middleton & Mccormick, LLP2011
David Theodore McMasterEast Hampton Town Attorneys Office2011
Frank RothmanRubin & Rothman2011
Jaclyn L. Dar ConteTravelers2011
Jacob Edward De LauterSuffolk County District Attorney2011
Jacquelyn Rose WeismanStony Brook University2011
Kevin Thomas GriffithsThe Odierno Law Firm, PC2011
Lisa Marie Catapano2011
Michael Rudolph MaffeiUnited States Attorney's Office, Eastern District of New York2011
Nicole Karin FeliceDistrict Attorney's Office2011
Philip Arthur ButlerFarrell Fritz, P.C.2011
Prabhjot Kaur SekhonNew York State Office of the Attorney General2011
Prabhjot Kaur SekhonNew York State Office of the Attorney General2011
Rosalinde Yram CasaliniNew York State Office of the Attorney General2011
Timothy Patrick FinnertySuffolk County District Attorney2011
Jason Rudolf TomitzBluechip Underwriting Services, LLC2012
Rachel Suzanne MerkerAttorney Grievance Committee 10th Judicial District2012
Brandon Matthew FuhrmannBig NJ, Inc.2013
Brittany Caitlin ManganMcGuire Condon Mangan, P.C.2013
Brittany Elizabeth AllisonNorth American Partners in Anesthesia2013
Daniel Alexander Scheiwe MazzellaD. A. Mazzella2013
Jacqueline Ann TierneyRubin & Rothman, LLC2013
Jennifer Michelle RobertsMarshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman and Goggin2013
Joseph Charles DanilczykJoseph C. Danilczyk, Esq.2013
Karen Mace SartainKaren Sartain Law, P.C.2013
Katharine GiudiceThivierge & Rothberg2013
Kelly Keenan MoranAcocelli Law, PLLC2013
Kimberly Ann TruemanLaw Offices of Robin Burner Daleo, PLLC2013
Magda Labonte-Blaise2013
Marian Cajara SophocleousAmoachi & Johnson, PLLC2013
Marissa Lynn GlassLaw Office of William E. Grigo, P.C.2013
Mark MontanaroMontanarolaw, P.C.2013
Mark A. TammenThe Presbytery of Long Island2013
Melissa Elizabeth BekiszLaw Office of Melissa E. Bekisz2013
Michael Dennis ElliottWilliam J. Eppig2013
Michael Ian GoldmanLydecker2013
Nancy DalienEmpire Justice Center2013
Nicole Lynn BohlerLong Tuminello, LLP2013
Bruce P. McBrienMcBrien Law, PC2013
Paul Joseph FuscoSuffolk County Attorney2013
Paulette R. BrownLaw Office of Martyn, Smith, Murray & Yong2013
Shannon DavisLaw Office of Keith J. Conway2013
Sheila Marie BallatoNew York State Unified Court System2013
Tara KellnerLaw Office of Sette and Apoznanski2013
Tara KellnerLaw Office of Sette and Apoznanski2013
Garrett Vincent ParnellLaw Office of Sette and Apoznanski2014
Stefanie F. GuarinoLaw Office of Sette and Apoznanski2014
Stephanie Jill GopenCona Elder Law, PLLC2014
Alina Vengerov2015
Alyssa Ronni DanzigerKatz Chwat, P.C.2015
Amanda Star FrazerEsseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP2015
Amber Starr Brogdon-JohnsonLaw Offices of Tina Newsome-Lee2015
Anastasia Victoria LariosJakubowski, Robertson, Maffei, Goldsmith & Tartaglia, LLP2015
Anthony Salvatore DelucaVolz & Vigliotta, PLLC2015
Brittni A. SullivanBurner Law Group, P.C.2015
Christopher Michael Bergold2015
Deirdre Marie CicciaroDeirdre Cicciaro, Esq., P.C.2015
Emil Phillip AlbaneseEmil Albanese, Esq.2015
Ingrid Olga Uhlich2015
Jason Andrew GilBrown, Altman, and Dileo, LLP2015
Kaitlin KellyTurley Redmond Rosasco and Rosasco2015
Katharine Rose D'AquilaSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2015
Kelly Nicole LeonardLong Island Housing Services, Inc.2015
Kevin E. TimsonSchwartz Ettenger, PLLC2015
Laura Elizabeth JohnsonJosephs Law Partners, LLP2015
Marolhin Dahianna MendezJackson Lewis, P.C.2015
Matthew Brian GuerraIngerman Smith, LLP2015
Matthew Francis HromadkaArcher, Byington, Glennon & Levine, LLP2015
Matthew Joseph DelucaLaw Offices of Mark A. Cuthbertson2015
Megan Beth FeinbergESIS2015
Megan Elizabeth HannaLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.2015
Michal Ettie CantorNixon Peabody, LLP2015
Michele Christine AntonelliSuffolk County Department of Law2015
Robert Edwin Merrihew2015
Stephanie Rose TuortoSlater Slater Schulman, LLP2015
Taylor Alyssa GroganSiegel & O'Leary, LLP2015
Tela Loretta TrogeLaw Offices of Tela L. Troge2015
Terrence Patrick RussellTwomey, Latham, Shea, Kelley, Dubin & Quartararo, LLP2015
Gregory W. FortschThe Bountiful Company2016
Alexandros TsionisLaw Offices of Avrum J. Rosen, PLLC2017
Ashley Jayne StapletonSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2017
Christina Julie NankervisPicarello & Saciolo, P.C.2017
David Michael O'LearyHusch Blackwell, LLP2017
Deena Robyn RosenblattThe Law Office of Michael Ferro & Associates2017
Eduardo Miguel Villacorta LazoVillacorta Law Group, P.C.2017
Jacqueline Nicole Rizzardi2017
Jaime SanchezJackson Lewis, P.C.2017
Jameson Lee McWilliamsEast Hampton Town Attorney2017
Jennifer G. TocciLaw Offices of Jennifer G. Tocci, P.C.2017
John Lawrence PatitucciTurley, Redmond, Rosasco & Rosasco, LLP2017
John Mark SciandraSuffolk County District Attorney s Office2017
John Mark SciandraSuffolk County District Attorney s Office2017
Richard Anthony DemaioCampolo, Middleton & Mccormick, LLP2017
Robert C. GrimalLydecker2017
Vanessa Jeanne CavallaroNew York State Unified Court System2017
Victoria Elizabeth DrakeNikon, Inc.2017
Lauren Rose GalloBartlett, LLP2018
Nicholas Luke Bologna2018
Alexandra M. DyroffLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.2019
Bradley Lawrence KaufmanLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.2019
Briana Rose IannacciLaw Offices of Sandra M. Radna, P.C.2019
Christian Philip CurranSlater Slater Schulman, LLP2019
David A. ArpinoArnold A. Arpino & Associates, P.C.2019
Gary A. TroisiBandalos & Troisi Law Group, PLLC2019
Georgia IoannouGeorge E. Patsis, PLLC2019
James Vincent LauriaBond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC2019
John R. EyermanQuatela Chimeri, PLLC2019
Joseph M. HallRubin & Rothman, LLC2019
Kyle Harrison Galteri GruderChambers of the Honorable Steven A. Pilewski, Suffolk County Court Judge2019
Rachel M. KerremansSuffolk County Attorney's Office2019
Samantha Renee BarbereNixon Peabody, LLP2019
Taylor Marie NapoliJackson Lewis, P.C.2019
Donald Joseph Nenninger Jr.2020
Alexandra SanchezJakubowski, Robertson, Maffei, Goldsmith & Tartaglia, LLP2021
Annemarie S. Diblasio2021
David Matthew GeisslerLaw Office of Patrick Neglia2021
Emily Marie Giunta2021
James F. McCorMacKSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
Joseph Alejandro Ataollah TahbazDistrict Court for the Eastern District of New York2021
Joseph Daniel MallekSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
Juliana Rose Spano2021
Peter James GroffmannLaw Office of Patrick Boyle2021
Sabrina SalamaBond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC2021
Whitney Francesca PunzoneQuatela Chimeri, PLLC2021
William David Ramos2021


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