
Suffolk Reporter

Friday, March 28, 2025

44.6% of Suffolk County students met or exceeded Mathematics expectations in 2022-23 school year

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New York Commissioner of Education Dr. Betty A. Rosa | nysed.gov

New York Commissioner of Education Dr. Betty A. Rosa | nysed.gov

Of the 102,421 students in Suffolk County who took the 2022-23 Mathematics test, 32.1% met expectations and 12.5% did better than expected, according to the New York State Education Department.

In total, 44.6% of Suffolk County students met or exceeded expectations, marking a 5.5% increase from the previous school year's results.

Within the county, Lloyd Harbor School students performed the best in Mathematics, with 89% of them considered proficient in the subject. Meanwhile, William Floyd Learning Center students fared the worst, with only 10% passing the test.

The state registered an overall proficiency rate of 49.6% of students who met or exceeded expectations.

A recent study by Scholaroo ranked New York's education system among the best in the U.S., and place it as the second best in terms of school quality.

Currently, the state has the highest per-pupil spending in the nation at $33,440, or a total of $84.7 billion annually.

Suffolk County County Success Rate in Math and ELA Over 3 Years
Suffolk County Students who Met or Exceeded Academic Standards in Mathematics
SchoolStudents who met standards (%)Students who exceed standards (%)Total Enrollment
Lloyd Harbor School51%38%390
Quogue Elementary School53%32%84
Paul J. Gelinas Junior High School44%40%647
Paumanok Elementary School38%46%574
Nassakeag Elementary School39%45%543
Cold Spring Harbor High School45%38%738
Mills Pond Elementary School61%21%371
Minnesauke Elementary School59%23%642
Vanderbilt Elementary School43%39%703
Quogue Elementary School37%45%84
Ocean Avenue School55%25%352
East Moriches Elementary School57%23%338
Parkview Elementary School47%32%402
Lloyd Harbor School49%30%390
Otsego Elementary School45%33%583
Fort Salonga Elementary School39%39%386
Signal Hill Elementary School46%32%643
Setauket Elementary School50%28%604
Fifth Avenue Elementary School53%24%374
Sunquam Elementary School51%26%503
Pines Elementary School55%21%457
Saint James Elementary School54%22%473
Tackan Elementary School52%24%499
Bretton Woods Elementary School48%28%512
Academy Street Elementary School53%22%303
Nassakeag Elementary School42%32%543
Bretton Woods Elementary School36%38%512
Tackan Elementary School50%24%499
John Pearl Elementary School38%36%189
Minnesauke Elementary School45%28%642
Idle Hour Elementary School55%18%190
Mount Sinai Elementary School56%16%659
Cherry Avenue Elementary School60%12%354
Forest Brook Elementary School42%30%369
Thomas J. Lahey Elementary School54%18%571
Mills Pond Elementary School42%30%371
Udall Road Middle School48%24%445
Sylvan Avenue Elementary School58%13%306
Flower Hill School32%39%275
James H. Boyd Elementary School47%23%434
Edward J. Bosti Elementary School54%16%283
William T. Rogers Middle School38%32%636
Paumanok Elementary School46%23%574
Pierson Middle/High School37%32%524
Setauket Elementary School43%26%604
Ocean Avenue School52%17%352
Smithtown Elementary School45%24%508
Southold Junior-Senior High School43%26%380
Merrimac School55%14%336
Rj O. Intermediate School56%12%377
North Coleman Road School60%8%344
Robert Cushman Murphy Junior High School39%29%667
East Islip Middle School47%21%804
Vanderbilt Elementary School42%26%703
Accompsett Middle School42%26%532
Wading River School52%16%402
Port Jefferson Middle School42%25%222
Fifth Avenue Elementary School47%20%374
Saint James Elementary School42%25%473
Great Hollow Middle School37%30%827
William Sidney Mount Elementary School50%17%511
Tamarac Elementary School58%9%443
Albert G. Prodell Middle School41%26%456
Paul J. Bellew Elementary School54%13%456
Sylvan Avenue Elementary School50%16%306
Eastport Elementary School52%14%348
East Moriches Elementary School41%25%338
Accompsett Elementary School54%12%526
Tooker Avenue School47%19%292
Babylon Memorial Grade School51%14%444
Academy Street Elementary School41%24%303
Burr Intermediate School46%19%681
Burr Intermediate School46%19%681
Fort Salonga Elementary School36%29%386
Idle Hour Elementary School47%18%190
James H. Boyd Elementary School42%23%434
Wenonah School43%22%479
Mount Sinai Elementary School50%15%659
Montauk School34%30%303
Mount Pleasant Elementary School49%15%490
Thomas J. Lahey Elementary School46%18%571
Amagansett School40%23%125
Dogwood Elementary School49%14%351
Edward J. Bosti Elementary School50%13%283
Oldfield Middle School41%22%659
Sag Harbor Elementary School39%24%424
Port Jefferson Elementary School48%15%364
Harding Avenue School53%9%303
Amagansett School27%35%125
Hauppauge Middle School39%23%749
Hampton Bays Elementary School54%8%682
Smithtown Elementary School45%17%508
Westhampton Beach Elementary School44%18%356
Cold Spring Harbor High School38%24%738
Nesaquake Middle School40%22%473
Commack Middle School38%24%1,322
Santapogue School52%10%348
William T. Rogers Middle School39%23%636
Cayuga School47%15%516
Elwood Middle School40%21%461
Waverly Avenue School50%11%463
Accompsett Elementary School43%18%526
Dogwood Elementary School42%19%351
Edith L. Slocum Elementary School45%16%272
West Hollow Middle School37%24%970
East Hampton Middle School32%29%265
Sag Harbor Elementary School39%21%424
Sawmill Intermediate School41%19%574
East Quogue School43%17%355
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School50%10%453
Washington School46%14%334
Wading River School37%23%402
Mattituck-Cutchogue Elementary School42%18%455
Remsenburg-Speonk Elementary School47%13%122
Blue Point Elementary School42%18%225
Arrowhead Elementary School48%12%571
Babylon Junior-Senior High School35%25%703
Oysterponds Elementary School37%23%84
Eastport Elementary School40%19%348
Jefferson School40%19%288
Westhampton Middle School41%18%434
Port Jefferson Elementary School46%13%364
John F. Kennedy School44%15%335
William Sidney Mount Elementary School36%23%511
Wenonah School44%15%479
Northport Middle School42%17%700
Deauville Gardens East Elementary School38%20%486
Wainscott School29%29%26
Sunquam Elementary School44%14%503
Rj O. Intermediate School37%21%377
Great Neck Road Elementary School44%14%444
Pines Elementary School36%22%457
Cayuga School47%11%516
Ruth C. Kinney Elementary School44%14%302
Shelter Island School35%23%174
Sawmill Intermediate School42%16%574
Paul J. Bellew Elementary School45%13%456
Grundy Avenue School57%1%470
Wainscott School29%29%26
Ruth C. Kinney Elementary School45%12%302
Maud S. Sherwood Elementary School40%17%335
West Babylon Junior High School34%23%804
Eastport-South Manor Junior Senior High School33%23%1,529
Forest Brook Elementary School33%23%369
Pulaski Road School42%14%356
Dawnwood Middle School34%22%1,074
Daniel Street School48%8%512
Chippewa Elementary School51%5%515
Saltzman East Memorial Elementary School38%18%599
Saltzman East Memorial Elementary School38%18%599
John F. Kennedy Intermediate School46%10%829
Sayville Middle School35%21%619
Helen B. Duffield Elementary School48%8%322
Merrimac School48%8%336
Selden Middle School35%21%1,056
Southold Elementary School36%19%317
Parkview Elementary School31%24%402
Blue Point Elementary School37%18%225
East Moriches School40%15%309
North Coleman Road School47%8%344
Ronkonkoma Middle School31%24%672
East Northport Middle School39%16%667
Accompsett Middle School34%21%532
Port Jefferson Middle School37%18%222
South Bay School37%18%299
J. Taylor Finley Middle School36%19%623
Babylon Memorial Grade School38%16%444
Signal Hill Elementary School38%16%643
Candlewood Middle School35%19%719
Northport Middle School39%15%700
James Wilson Young Middle School33%21%398
Flower Hill School27%27%275
John F. Kennedy Elementary School42%12%450
Oakdale-Bohemia Middle School39%15%634
Cherry Avenue Elementary School41%12%354
Sunrise Drive Elementary School47%6%374
Paul J. Gelinas Junior High School26%27%647
East Islip Middle School38%15%804
Bridgehampton School36%17%198
East Northport Middle School35%18%667
Lynwood Avenue School40%13%572
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School42%11%453
John F. Kennedy Intermediate School40%13%829
Sound Beach School46%7%473
Oxhead Road School42%10%371
Otsego Elementary School40%12%583
Mattituck Junior-Senior High School35%17%550
Albany Avenue School35%17%484
Washington School31%21%334
Ronkonkoma Middle School23%29%672
Montauk School38%14%303
William Rall School42%10%521
Robert Frost Middle School34%18%904
Moriches Elementary School42%10%822
Alleghany Avenue School42%10%286
Arrowhead Elementary School40%12%571
Tamarac Elementary School45%7%443
Oysterponds Elementary School39%13%84
Stagecoach School41%10%353
Edith L. Slocum Elementary School41%10%272
C. E. Walters School44%7%794
Sycamore Avenue Elementary School41%10%382
Springs School33%18%690
South Bay School30%21%299
James Wilson Young Middle School26%24%398
Bayview Elementary School47%3%410
Mount Sinai Middle School36%14%667
William Floyd Middle School34%16%1,053
Boyle Road Elementary School42%8%334
Mattituck-Cutchogue Elementary School37%13%455
Clayton Huey Elementary School42%8%598
Dayton Avenue School37%13%412
Dayton Avenue School40%10%412
Sayville Middle School28%22%619
Santapogue School38%12%348
Stagecoach School38%12%353
Robert Frost Middle School31%19%904
Ridge Elementary School40%10%717
Elwood Middle School30%20%461
Westhampton Beach Elementary School34%16%356
Maplewood Intermediate School38%12%605
Southdown School21%28%290
Deauville Gardens East Elementary School32%17%486
Maud S. Sherwood Elementary School36%13%335
Boyle Road Elementary School43%6%334
Cherokee Street Elementary School46%3%592
Jack Abrams Stem Magnet School28%21%443
Robert Cushman Murphy Junior High School23%26%667
Parliament Place School36%13%447
Pulaski Road School40%9%356
Tuckahoe School34%15%250
Beach Street Middle School37%12%405
John Pearl Elementary School38%10%189
Commack Middle School31%17%1,322
West Babylon Junior High School34%14%804
Tooker Avenue School36%12%292
Oakdale-Bohemia Middle School40%8%634
Samoset Middle School36%12%892
John F. Kennedy Elementary School35%12%450
Mount Sinai Middle School36%11%667
East Quogue School33%14%355
Hampton Bays Elementary School35%12%682
Jack Abrams Stem Magnet School32%14%443
Shelter Island School38%8%174
Springs School36%10%690
Southold Junior-Senior High School26%20%380
Sagamore Middle School28%18%933
Deauville Gardens West Elementary School33%13%440
Oxhead Road School34%12%371
Mount Pleasant Elementary School30%16%490
William Rall School34%12%521
Cherokee Street Elementary School39%6%592
Waverly Avenue School37%8%463
Greenport High School36%9%356
Southold Elementary School33%12%317
Udall Road Middle School28%17%445
Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary School34%11%703
Bay Shore Middle School29%16%1,298
Albany Avenue School37%7%484
Seneca Middle School36%8%973
Eastport-South Manor Junior Senior High School30%14%1,529
Remsenburg-Speonk Elementary School26%18%122
Belmont Elementary School31%13%370
John M. Marshall Elementary School33%11%548
Gardiner Manor School38%6%702
Greenport High School30%14%356
Jefferson School30%14%288
Joseph A. Edgar Imtermediate School41%2%592
Tremont Elementary School34%9%465
North Country Road School34%9%534
Bay Shore Middle School31%12%1,298
Holbrook Road School35%8%367
Francis J. O'neill School33%10%614
Sunrise Drive Elementary School30%13%374
Eugene Auer Memorial School39%4%317
Sound Beach School35%8%473
Chippewa Elementary School36%7%515
Clayton Huey Elementary School37%6%598
Birchwood Intermediate School35%8%633
Francis J. O'neill School34%8%614
Belmont Elementary School38%4%370
Sagamore Middle School33%9%933
Bay Elementary School37%5%408
Tangier Smith Elementary School30%12%757
Parliament Place School35%7%447
South Country School40%2%469
Hampton Bays Middle School34%8%597
Manetuck Elementary School29%13%496
Riley Avenue School32%10%460
Hiawatha School33%8%603
Susan E. Wiley School31%10%680
Southampton Elementary School35%6%376
Woodhull Intermediate School28%13%410
Daniel Street School33%8%512
Manetuck Elementary School37%4%496
River Elementary School34%7%300
Anthony Alfano Elementary School32%9%588
Ridge Elementary School29%12%717
Moriches Elementary School32%9%822
Robert Moses Middle School26%15%1,074
Eugene Auer Memorial School37%4%317
Harding Avenue School36%4%303
Dawnwood Middle School27%13%1,074
Barton Elementary School35%5%478
Twin Pines Elementary School32%8%744
Hampton Bays Middle School32%8%597
Southeast Elementary School35%5%566
Bay Elementary School31%9%408
Southdown School26%14%290
J. Taylor Finley Middle School27%13%623
Mattituck Junior-Senior High School25%15%550
Saxton Middle School28%12%495
Forest Avenue School34%6%271
Lindenhurst Middle School30%10%1,284
Seneca Middle School27%13%973
Marguerite L. Mulvey School30%10%526
Deauville Gardens West Elementary School30%9%440
Great Neck Road Elementary School33%6%444
Marion G. Vedder Elementary School32%7%406
John F. Kennedy Middle School26%13%822
Henry L. Stimson Middle School28%11%870
Southeast Elementary School34%5%566
William Floyd Elementary School27%11%742
Tremont Elementary School29%9%465
Maplewood Intermediate School28%10%605
Norwood Avenue School33%5%434
Longwood Junior High School19%19%1,386
Lynwood Avenue School32%6%572
Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary School28%10%703
Woodhull Intermediate School25%13%410
C. E. Walters School30%7%794
Nokomis School31%6%527
William Floyd Elementary School26%11%742
Selden Middle School25%12%1,056
Silas Wood 6TH Grade Center28%9%399
Norwood Avenue School32%5%434
Riverhead Middle School24%13%828
Hiawatha School31%6%603
John M. Marshall Elementary School30%7%548
Tangier Smith Elementary School25%12%757
Medford Elementary School27%10%451
Rocky Point Middle School23%13%638
Commack Road Elementary School29%7%397
Edmund W. Miles Middle School28%8%432
West Middle School22%14%848
Southampton Intermediate School24%12%364
Milton L. Olive Middle School24%12%583
Islip Middle School23%13%641
Holbrook Road School24%12%367
Marion G. Vedder Elementary School28%8%406
Hemlock Elementary School30%6%617
Canaan Elementary School31%5%519
Hawkins Path School30%6%343
Oquenock Elementary School32%4%397
Copiague Middle School25%10%1,061
Copiague Middle School27%8%1,061
Marguerite L. Mulvey School28%7%526
Southampton Elementary School29%6%376
Frank P. Long Intermediate School27%8%576
Helen B. Duffield Elementary School33%2%322
West Middle Island School31%4%639
Oregon Middle School27%8%592
Bayview Elementary School30%5%410
Andrew T. Morrow School27%8%795
Oregon Middle School25%10%592
Gardiner Manor School30%5%702
Riley Avenue School27%8%460
Alleghany Avenue School22%12%286
Barton Elementary School27%7%478
Canaan Elementary School26%8%519
William Floyd Middle School25%9%1,053
North Elementary School29%5%855
North Middle School24%10%1,131
River Elementary School27%7%300
Twin Pines Elementary School26%8%744
Grundy Avenue School31%2%470
Coram Elementary School26%7%910
North Country Road School20%13%534
Commack Road Elementary School30%3%397
Nokomis School26%7%527
John S. Hobart Elementary School26%7%798
Edmund W. Miles Middle School26%7%432
Andrew T. Morrow School25%8%795
Forest Avenue School30%3%271
Pulaski Street Elementary School25%8%741
Center Moriches Middle School22%11%325
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School27%6%981
William E. Deluca Junior Elementary School29%3%436
Loretta Park Elementary School26%6%646
Hawkins Path School25%7%343
Center Moriches Middle School18%14%325
Milton L. Olive Middle School29%3%583
John F. Kennedy School24%8%335
Ralph Reed School24%8%1,149
Sycamore Avenue Elementary School29%2%382
Verne W. Critz Elementary School27%4%285
Martin Luther King Elementary School23%8%621
West Middle Island School27%4%639
Silas Wood 6TH Grade Center19%12%399
Southwest Elementary School27%4%980
Eagle Elementary School28%3%603
Northeast Elementary School25%6%942
Frank P. Long Intermediate School25%6%576
Woods Road Elementary School24%6%328
Loretta Park Elementary School27%3%646
Medford Elementary School24%6%451
South Middle School24%6%1,033
Verne W. Critz Elementary School22%8%285
Terryville Road School27%3%453
William E. Deluca Junior Elementary School26%4%436
John S. Hobart Elementary School19%10%798
John F. Kennedy Middle School19%10%822
Pulaski Street Elementary School24%5%741
Rocky Point Middle School20%9%638
East Middle School24%5%1,159
Saxton Middle School25%4%495
East Middle School22%7%1,159
Eagle Elementary School23%6%603
South Country School25%4%469
Southampton Intermediate School21%8%364
Terryville Road School25%3%453
Southwest Elementary School23%5%980
Joseph A. Edgar Imtermediate School24%4%592
Park Avenue School24%4%615
Northeast Elementary School21%7%942
New Lane Memorial Elementary School24%4%790
Coram Elementary School24%4%910
Riverhead Middle School21%6%828
Bellport Middle School20%7%838
Birchwood Intermediate School23%4%633
Hemlock Elementary School23%4%617
William Paca Middle School21%6%1,009
Cordello Avenue Elementary School25%2%506
Longwood Junior High School19%8%1,386
Kreamer Street Elementary School24%2%290
Martin Luther King Elementary School22%4%621
West Middle School20%6%848
North Middle School21%5%1,131
Anthony Alfano Elementary School22%4%588
Oak Park Elementary School21%5%711
Cordello Avenue Elementary School20%6%506
Laurel Park Elementary School21%4%665
South Middle School19%6%1,033
Bellport Middle School20%5%838
North Elementary School20%5%855
Ralph Reed School18%7%1,149
Oquenock Elementary School25%0%397
Babylon Junior-Senior High School16%8%703
Susan E. Wiley School19%5%680
Woods Road Elementary School20%4%328
Park Avenue School19%5%615
Longwood Middle School22%2%1,292
Brookhaven Elementary School23%1%506
Longwood Middle School19%4%1,292
South Ocean Middle School19%4%599
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School18%5%981
Greenport Elementary School13%9%340
Kreamer Street Elementary School11%11%290
Greenport Elementary School17%4%340
Roanoke Avenue School14%6%408
Brookhaven Elementary School17%3%506
South Ocean Middle School16%4%599
Oak Park Elementary School16%3%711
Phillips Avenue School16%3%578
Phillips Avenue School15%3%578
New Lane Memorial Elementary School14%4%790
Laurel Park Elementary School13%3%665
Roanoke Avenue School13%3%408
William Floyd Learning Center12%2%68
William Floyd Learning Center10%0%68


Hawkins Path SchoolEdward J. Bosti Elementary SchoolTwin Pines Elementary SchoolEast Middle SchoolSunrise Drive Elementary SchoolDeauville Gardens Elementary SchoolJefferson SchoolNew York State Education DepartmentPhillips Avenue SchoolNathaniel Woodhull Elementary SchoolWest Babylon Junior High SchoolAccompsett Middle SchoolNorth Elementary SchoolLindenhurst Middle SchoolWest Middle SchoolBeach Street Middle SchoolIdle Hour Elementary SchoolTamarac Elementary SchoolVerne W. Critz Elementary SchoolSouthwest Elementary SchoolWoodhull Intermediate SchoolLloyd Harbor SchoolRobert Frost Middle SchoolTuckahoe SchoolBayview Elementary SchoolTackan Elementary SchoolWoods Road Elementary SchoolRj O. Intermediate SchoolMount Sinai Middle SchoolMaud S. Sherwood Elementary SchoolLoretta Park Elementary SchoolSag Harbor Elementary SchoolLongwood Junior High SchoolJohn F. Kennedy Middle SchoolParkview Elementary SchoolFrank P. Long Intermediate SchoolSylvan Avenue Elementary SchoolLaurel Park Elementary SchoolMarguerite L. Mulvey SchoolCommack Road Elementary SchoolOtsego Elementary SchoolSound Beach SchoolAccompsett Elementary SchoolJohn F. Kennedy Intermediate SchoolBirchwood Intermediate SchoolWilliam Floyd Learning CenterSaltzman East Memorial Elementary SchoolHenry L. Stimson Middle SchoolSouthdown SchoolSoutheast Elementary SchoolWilliam Paca Middle SchoolFlower Hill SchoolBridgehampton SchoolAlleghany Avenue SchoolOcean Avenue SchoolCold Spring Harbor High SchoolEugene Auer Memorial SchoolThomas J. Lahey Elementary SchoolBoyle Road Elementary SchoolBay Shore Middle SchoolJack Abrams Stem Magnet SchoolMarion G. Vedder Elementary SchoolBelmont Elementary SchoolNorwood Avenue SchoolRobert Moses Middle SchoolLincoln Avenue Elementary SchoolSagamore Middle SchoolTremont Elementary SchoolSt. James Elementary SchoolEdith L. Slocum Elementary SchoolHarding Avenue SchoolNassakeag Elementary SchoolEast Islip Middle SchoolMerrimac SchoolSouthampton Elementary SchoolDogwood Elementary SchoolJoseph A. Edgar Imtermediate SchoolWilliam T. Rogers Middle SchoolOakdale Bohemia Middle SchoolJames H. Boyd Elementary SchoolEast Quogue SchoolMartin Luther King Elementary SchoolKreamer Street Elementary SchoolSignal Hill Elementary SchoolOak Park Elementary SchoolMattituck Cutchogue Elementary SchoolEast Moriches Elementary SchoolForest Avenue SchoolCherokee Street Elementary SchoolSouth Ocean Middle SchoolNokomis SchoolWilliam Floyd Elementary SchoolTerryville Road SchoolRonkonkoma Middle SchoolParliament Place SchoolSayville Middle SchoolSaxton Middle SchoolCenter Moriches Middle SchoolJohn F. Kennedy Elementary SchoolRiley Avenue SchoolAlbany Avenue SchoolLongwood Middle SchoolMoriches Elementary SchoolOldfield Middle SchoolSetauket Elementary SchoolMount Pleasant Elementary SchoolOysterponds Elementary SchoolStagecoach SchoolMedford Elementary SchoolSouth Country SchoolJames Wilson Young Middle SchoolHampton Bays Elementary SchoolSantapogue SchoolRobert Cushman Murphy Junior High SchoolHampton Bays Middle SchoolMattituck High SchoolJohn Pearl Elementary SchoolGrundy Avenue SchoolBabylon Memorial Grade SchoolFrancis J.o. Neill SchoolSusan E. Wiley SchoolAcademy Street Elementary SchoolChippewa Elementary SchoolElwood Middle SchoolGardiner Manor SchoolCordello Avenue Elementary SchoolEast Moriches SchoolHelen B. Duffield Elementary SchoolArrowhead Elementary SchoolFort Salonga Elementary SchoolShelter Island SchoolCopiague Middle SchoolRalph Reed SchoolDeauville Gardens West Elementary SchoolNorth Coleman Road SchoolHemlock Elementary SchoolNesaquake Middle SchoolMills Pond Elementary SchoolCharles A. Mulligan Elementary SchoolWesthampton Beach Elementary SchoolPines Elementary SchoolCayuga SchoolTangier Smith Elementary SchoolSamoset Middle SchoolForest Brook Elementary SchoolPulaski Street Elementary SchoolSelden Middle SchoolRiver Elementary SchoolWashington SchoolWest Hollow Middle SchoolGreat Neck Road Elementary SchoolEast Hampton Middle SchoolRocky Point Middle SchoolGreenport Elementary SchoolWilliam Sidney Mount Elementary SchoolSouthampton Intermediate SchoolRoanoke Avenue SchoolBabylon High SchoolHauppauge Middle SchoolBellport Middle SchoolHiawatha SchoolWenonah SchoolOxhead Road SchoolSmithtown Elementary SchoolIslip Middle SchoolJ. Taylor Finley Middle SchoolMontauk SchoolWesthampton Middle SchoolJohn F. Kennedy SchoolDayton Avenue SchoolPort Jefferson Elementary SchoolTooker Avenue SchoolWest Middle Island SchoolEagle Elementary SchoolWaverly Avenue SchoolUdall Road Middle SchoolBarton Elementary SchoolSouthold High SchoolNew Lane Memorial Elementary SchoolHolbrook Road SchoolSilas Wood 6th Grade CenterNorth Middle SchoolSunquam Elementary SchoolAmagansett SchoolManetuck Elementary SchoolPort Jefferson Middle SchoolWading River SchoolSouth Bay SchoolCommack Middle SchoolNorth Country Road SchoolPulaski Road SchoolJohn S. Hobart Elementary SchoolMaplewood Intermediate SchoolRuth C. Kinney Elementary SchoolBay Elementary SchoolCoram Elementary SchoolClayton Huey Elementary SchoolSouth Middle SchoolSeneca Middle SchoolSawmill Intermediate SchoolQuogue Elementary SchoolCherry Avenue Elementary SchoolVanderbilt Elementary SchoolWilliam Rall SchoolSprings SchoolBurr Intermediate SchoolWainscott SchoolEastport-South Manor High SchoolBrookhaven Elementary SchoolGreenport High SchoolMount Sinai Elementary SchoolGreat Hollow Middle SchoolOregon Middle SchoolRiverhead Middle SchoolEast Northport Middle SchoolAnthony Alfano Elementary SchoolPaumanok Elementary SchoolSycamore Avenue Elementary SchoolBretton Woods Elementary SchoolMilton L. Olive Middle SchoolRidge Elementary SchoolPaul J. Gelinas Junior High SchoolPaul J. Bellew Elementary SchoolRemsenburg Speonk Elementary SchoolLynwood Avenue SchoolCandlewood Middle SchoolDawnwood Middle SchoolDaniel Street SchoolPierson Middle/High SchoolPark Avenue SchoolCanaan Elementary SchoolMinnesauke Elementary SchoolEastport Elementary SchoolWilliam E. Deluca Junior Elementary SchoolAlbert G. Prodell Middle SchoolFifth Avenue Elementary SchoolJohn M. Marshall Elementary SchoolNorthport Middle SchoolWilliam Floyd Middle SchoolC.e. Walters SchoolOquenock Elementary SchoolSouthold Elementary SchoolAndrew T. Morrow SchoolNortheast Elementary SchoolBlue Point Elementary School


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