Wendy Pearson Vice President for Strategic Initiatives | Stony Brook University
Wendy Pearson Vice President for Strategic Initiatives | Stony Brook University
Following its annual review, the National Council of Society of Physics Students (SPS) has awarded the Stony Brook University SPS Chapter as a 2023-24 Outstanding Chapter. This marks the third consecutive year that the chapter has received this honor.
The Society of Physics Students is a professional association for students with an interest in physics and related fields. It operates under the American Institute of Physics, which serves as an umbrella organization for various professional physical science societies.
"This is a great and well-deserved recognition, given to less than 15% of SPS chapters each year," said Chang Kee Jung, chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University. "Congratulations once again to the SPS members! We are very proud of everything they continue to accomplish!"
Each academic year, SPS Outstanding Chapter Awards are decided after a thorough review process. The evaluation includes examining information, photos, and supporting material submitted in annual SPS Chapter Reports. The reviewers consist of four SPS National Council members, including Zone Councilors and Associate Zone Councilors, along with the staff from the SPS office.